Neri Oxman: Biology, Art, and Science of Design & Engineering with Nature
Neri Oxman is a designer, engineer, scientist, and artist working on computational design, synthetic biology and digital fabrication, previously at MIT, and now at OXMAN.
This is an incredible interview from Lex Fridman Podcast #394. This snippet is Neri’s advice to young people but you can watch/listen to the full episode (more than 2 hours) HERE where they discuss a huge range of topics from biomass, to music, aliens and movies!
photo courtesty - Surfacemag
LF — “Do you think there's an intricate ways in which there's a connection between humans and nature? “
NO — “Yes, and we're looking for it. I think that from, let's say, from the beginning of mankind, going back 200,000 years, the products that we have designed have separated us from nature. And it's ironic that the things that we designed and produced as humankind, those are exactly the things that separated us.”
“I spend time with the full moon. I take my time with the fool moon and I pay attention to a full moon. I think paying attention to the seasons and taking time to appreciate the little things, the simple things is what makes a meaningful life.”